'The Garth Trilogy'
Book 1: 'Of Angels and Eagles'
Book 2: 'Perseverance'
Book 3: 'The Promise of Tomorrow'
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Garth is an historical trilogy, 3 novels based upon the lives of 5 generations of the
Garth family.
It begins with four convicts, three transported on the First Fleet and one on the Second, from England to Port Jackson, then to Norfolk Island and later to Tasmania and beyond.
The story tells of how their lives became entwined, of the struggles and accomplishments of those initial four souls and their descendants over 138 years, from 1783 to 1921.
The names, dates and major events are either true or based upon truth.
Their stories are those of ordinary people, sometimes in extra-ordinary situations.
Their triumphs and tragedies, their loves and their losses are real.
The tale of the Garths provides an insight into the lives of pioneers in early post 1788 Australia and the growth of a nation. You will experience with them their fears, anticipation, joy and sadness as they discover what makes them who they are.


I am someone who has been a writer my whole life. As a lawyer I have written the stories of people's lives in statements for over 20 years. I have written poetry and short stories and embarked on the writing of the Garth Trilogy some years ago as a consequence of research into my family history.
I live in Sydney Australia and travelled extensively retracing the footsteps of my ancestors.
If you are interested in ancestral history and the reality that truth is often stranger than fiction, then you will be interested in Garth. Although an historical fiction, the Garth Trilogy is based upon a true story, the lives and adventures of those who make up the story of Garth.
How Garth
It was through my maternal aunt that I learned of our connection to the First Fleet. Like so many descendants of those transported we were not aware our ancestors had been convicts.
On a visit to the historical Berrima Gaol in New South Wales my aunt noticed in a book a list of the people who had been transported on the First Fleet. On the list she saw the name Garth, a middle name that she been given and her curiosity was ignited.
As a consequence she began looking back over the generations of our ancestors and eventually came to discover the connection was indeed with Edward Garth, a First Fleeter. From there the adventure really began and what we discovered along the way was amazing.
Many things happened on our journey that were almost inexplicable and at times we wondered what 'supernatural' forces were leading us.
Writing Garth has been a compulsion, a pleasure and a challenge. It has indeed been a labour of love. And it is true, whilst we speak of them... they live on.

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